NV Optometry

How Often Do You Need an Eye Doctor Check Up?

eye doctor check up

Adult female doctor examing adult male patient

Vision is unquestionably the most important of the human senses, which is a good reason to take care of your eyes. In addition to monitoring your vision, you need to care for it with a regular eye doctor check up. You may question exactly how often you should seek such assistance, but the answer will depend upon certain factors.

Common Vision Problems

Though remarkable, the human eyes often suffer from an assortment of disorders. Some of these ailments are closely associated with the aging process, while others can occur at any age. Problems focusing on objects that are near or far away are among the most common vision anomalies. An astigmatic condition affects clarity at any distance. Later in life, many men and women suffer from such conditions as glaucoma, which is caused by internal pressure, and cataracts, which are characterized by a clouding of the lens of the eye. According to the AAO, cataracts affect 24.4 million Americans aged 40 or older and approximately half of the population by the age of 75. Fortunately, an eye doctor check up can detect these and other vision problems.

When to Seek a Vision Examination

Children should receive an eye doctor check up by about six months of age and again before they start school. Children who are experiencing learning problems or who constantly blink or rub their eyes should be given additional checks. Once in adulthood, the average person should consider having a vision examination every two or three years. However, those with certain vision or health problems, including diabetes and high blood pressure, and those who have a family history of these conditions should seek a check up once a year. Middle age is also when some begin to develop health ailments, and those with such conditions should have an eye doctor check up once a year. Among those aged 65 and above, a yearly examination is recommended for everyone.

What to Expect from an Eye Doctor Check Up

A vision examination can normally be completed in less than two hours. It will include a test using a conventional chart and a more careful look into your eyes to determine whether you have developed cataracts or other conditions. A pressure test will be used to check for glaucoma. Consider a regular eye doctor check up as part of your regular health routine.